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What is Periodontal Care?

added on: September 6, 2024

Periodontal care is all about keeping your gums and the structures around your teeth healthy and happy. At Smilebuilderz, we believe knowledge is power, and as your trusted dentist in Lancaster and Ephrata, we’re here to explain what this essential aspect of oral health involves and why it’s crucial for maintaining a bright, healthy smile.

Understanding Periodontal Care

Periodontal care focuses on preventing, diagnosing, and treating gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. This condition affects the tissues supporting your teeth, which include the gums, bone, and connective tissues. Healthy gums are vital for maintaining strong teeth and a comfortable bite, so keeping them in top shape is a big deal!

Why Gum Health Matters

Healthy gums act as a protective barrier for your teeth. When gums are strong and free from disease, they help keep your teeth securely in place. On the flip side, gum disease can lead to gum inflammation, bleeding, and even tooth loss if not treated promptly.

The Stages of Gum Disease

  1. Gingivitis: This is the mildest form of gum disease and is usually caused by a build-up of plaque, a sticky film of bacteria. Gingivitis is often characterized by red, swollen, and bleeding gums, especially when brushing or flossing. The good news? Gingivitis can be reversed with good oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist in Lancaster and Ephrata.
  2. Periodontitis: If gingivitis is left untreated, it can progress to periodontitis. This stage involves deeper infection and inflammation, leading to gum recession and bone loss around teeth. It might also cause pockets to form between teeth and gums, which can trap more plaque and bacteria.
  3. Advanced Periodontitis: At this stage, the damage is more severe. Significant gum recession, tooth mobility, and even tooth loss may exist. Treatment becomes more complex, often involving deep cleaning and possibly surgical interventions.

How We Keep Your Gums Healthy

  1. Regular Cleanings: Routine professional cleanings with your team at Smilebuilderz are key to preventing gum disease. During these visits, we’ll remove plaque and tartar buildup that regular brushing and flossing might miss.
  2. Scaling and Root Planing: For those with early signs of gum disease, we might recommend scaling and root planing. This deep-cleaning procedure involves scraping away plaque and tartar from below the gumline and smoothing out rough spots on the roots of your teeth.
  3. Periodontal Maintenance: For patients with a history of gum disease, we may suggest more frequent check-ups and cleanings to keep your gums in check. This ongoing care helps prevent the recurrence of periodontal issues and ensures your gums stay healthy.
  4. Education and Guidance: We’ll also give you tips on proper brushing and flossing techniques and how to maintain a healthy diet. Good oral hygiene at home is essential for complementing our professional care.

Protecting Your Smile Together

Your team at Smilebuilderz is here to make your gum health journey as pleasant and engaging as possible, ensuring you leave our office with a brighter, healthier smile!

So, the next time you hear about Lancaster and Ephrata periodontal care, remember it’s all about giving your gums the love and attention they deserve at smilebuilderz. Keep up with regular visits, maintain good oral hygiene, and let us help you keep your smile in tip-top shape!

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