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What to Do If You Have a Dental Emergency

added on: September 17, 2024

Dental emergencies in Lancaster and Ephrata can feel like a plot twist in your daily routine—unexpected, urgent, and often a bit scary. Whether you’ve chipped a tooth while munching on popcorn or are dealing with a sudden toothache, knowing how to handle these situations can make all the difference. Let the dentists at Smilebuilderz cover some practical tips on what to do if you find yourself in a dental jam!

  1. Stay Calm and Collected

First things first—take a deep breath. Panicking will not help your situation and could make things worse. By staying calm, you’ll be able to think more clearly and take the right steps to manage your emergency effectively. Remember, we’re here to help, and we’ll get you through it!

  1. Assess the Situation

Take a moment to figure out exactly what’s going on. Is it a toothache, a chipped tooth, or something else? Understanding the problem will help you take the appropriate steps. If you’re unsure, a quick call to our Lancaster or Ephrata dental office can provide guidance on how to proceed.

  1. Toothache Troubles

If you’re suffering from a toothache, try rinsing your mouth with warm salt water to help soothe the pain and reduce inflammation. Over-the-counter pain relievers can also be helpful. If the pain persists or is severe, it’s time to contact us for a proper evaluation and treatment.

  1. Chipped or Broken Teeth

If your tooth is chipped or broken, rinse your mouth with warm water to keep the area clean. If possible, save any broken pieces of the tooth and apply a cold compress to the outside of your mouth to reduce swelling. If the tooth has a sharp edge, you can cover it with dental wax or sugarless gum to prevent injury to your tongue and cheeks. Call us as soon as you can—we’ll want to assess the damage and determine the best course of action.

  1. Knocked-Out Tooth

If you’ve had a tooth knocked out, time is of the essence! Retrieve the tooth by the crown (not the root) and rinse it gently with water if it’s dirty. If possible, place the tooth back into the socket or keep it in a container of milk or saline solution. This helps preserve the tooth’s vitality. Contact us immediately—we may be able to reinsert and save the tooth if you act quickly!

  1. Lost Filling or Crown

If you lose a filling or crown, keep the area clean. To protect the exposed area until you can get to our office, temporarily cover it with dental wax or a piece of sugarless gum. Avoid chewing on the affected side to prevent further damage.

  1. Handle Soft Tissue Injuries

For cuts or injuries to your gums, tongue, or cheeks, rinse with warm salt water to clean the area. Applying a cold compress can help reduce swelling. If the bleeding doesn’t stop or the injury is severe, seek immediate medical attention.

  1. Reach Out to Us

If you have a dental emergency, don’t hesitate to call either of our two convenient locations in Lancaster or Ephrata. We’re here to provide the necessary care and guide you through the following steps. Our team is trained to handle emergencies and will prioritize your situation to get you the relief you need as quickly as possible.

Stay Prepared

While dental emergencies can be unpredictable, knowing how to handle them and having our contact information readily available can make a world of difference. Remember, your team at Smilebuilderz is always here to help, and we’ll work to ensure your smile is back to its sparkling best in no time!